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28th Jul 2016

Someone’s made a terrifying lifesize LEGO man with human skin and it’s all kinds of wrong


Richard Beech

Oh, hey there, hope you’re having a nice day. Because I’m about to fucking ruin that nice day of yours and destroy your childhood memories.

Remember LEGO men? Put a hardhat on them and they were a builder, put a pirate hat on and they became a pirate, they came with child-friendly accessories such as guns, swords and blunt weapons. Oh.


They were great, weren’t they.

Well someone thought it’d be a good idea to recreate a LEGO man in real life. It was absolutely not a good idea.

Here he is, undoubtedly muttering “killlll, meeee” under his breath.


(Image via BuzzFeed Canada/Tested)

Here he is again, whispering to himself: “I will strangle all of the children, and then I will go after the parents”.


Still, even a nightmarish IRL LEGO man is preferable to Playmobil:


Someone made a video about it where you can see the terrifying fleshy bastard in action…

Before you go, just imagine waking up at 2am tonight, you can sense that there’s something wrong. There’s a presence.

You reach to your side table, rub your eyes, blinking through the darkness you see a figure, the shadowy figure of a lifesize LEGO man. Kind of cute actually.

Then you turn the lights on.

Good day to you.