Relationships are difficult.
Yes, when you find the right person, it’s amazing, but it can also be challenging at times.
Whether it’s money troubles, misunderstandings, sex issues or failed communications, committing to another person has its downfalls.
However, relationship experts believe that if you have this issue with your partner, it’s a major threat to your future.
Relationship expert Derek Harvey said that he first came across this six years ago, and believes that it has been proven time and time again.
And that, ladies, is unmet expectations.
Derek said: “I have seen the pain and frustration that plays out from having unmet expectations, not just in marriage, but in all relationships.
“It’s a deadly venom that flows to the heart and wreaks havoc in relationships,” he explained to Inspire More.
James Preece, another relationship coach, weighed in on the issue, telling The Independent: “Unmet expectations are a huge relationship killer.
“People tend to enter marriages or long term relationships expecting the other person will change their ways.
“They think that over time they’ll be able to mould them into someone else. This only leads to disappointment and anger.”
James advises people to accept their partners for who they are, and understand why they act the way they do.
“The best way to handle unmet expectations is simply to work as a team.
“Set goals together and work towards them. Not only is that more fun, but you are much more likely to achieve them when someone is spurring you on.”