“We are fearful that the devastating mental health impact of COVID-19 on the lives of LGBTI+ youth will live long beyond the virus.”
A national survey conducted by BeLonG To Youth Services reveal that during COVID-19, 93 percent of LGBTI+ young people are dealing with mental health issues here in Ireland, and some don’t feel safe at home due to their sexual orientation.
The survey was conducted by BeLonG To Youth Services online in May to see what effects the restrictions had on LGBTI+ youth. The main issues they found is that young people seem to be struggling with are stress, anxiety and depression.
In the study, key findings reveal that over half of LGBTI+ young people are struggling with suicide ideation. Some 45 percent of LGBTI+ young people are struggling with self-harm.
42 percent of youths surveyed said they were not fully accepted in their home environments due to their sexual orientation or gender identity. Over half of people surveyed said their home environment is not a good place to be during COVID-19 restrictions.
There were also some anonymous responses to the LGBTI+ Life in Lockdown Survey which included:
“Right now, my depression is worse than it’s ever been, and really that’s saying something. I’ve had days where I couldn’t even get out of bed, because of a numbness and lack of motivation”
“They know I am gay, but we do not speak about it. They make comments without thinking and never make any effort to be accepting or ask me about my personal life.”
Moninne Griffith, CEO of BeLonG To Youth Services says: “We are fearful that the devastating mental health impact of COVID-19 on the lives of LGBTI+ youth will live long beyond the virus.
“Many feel isolated from their support networks who love and accept them for who they are. Some are experiencing emotional and physical abuse. They feel alone, scared and anxious.”