For some of us the recession isn’t just economical and has somehow bled into our love lives. *Reaches for tub of Ben & Jerry’s*
Running the risk of sounding like a line straight out of Bonnie Tyler’s ‘Holding Out For A Hero’, sometimes it is easy to sit and ponder about things such as, ‘where have all the good men gone?’ Particularly on a Saturday night when you’re at home alone.
Taking her love life into her own hands, quite literally, this next 26-year-old woman from San Franisco bagged herself a boyfriend and she seems really h-appy…
‘Me & My Boifriend’ is the genius Instagram account where Molly Mitchell documents her 21st century love life with new beau, George Glass.
The hilarious account description reads: “All I need in this life of sin is me and my boifriend!!”
“The person you’re meant to be with might be on your phone right now.” Molly Mitchell, you’re a legend.
Here are some of our favourites but you can check out the new couple in full here.
Just for kicks. Altogether now, “I need a hero…”