A new study by vouchercloud.co.uk released this week has enlightened us to the struggles faced by one in four men every month, namely “tiredness, cramps and increased sensitivity”.
It’s almost like sympathy PMS. Poor, poor men, those pesky periods are obviously catching. I can’t say I actually needed a study to confirm that The Man capable of being a way moodier b*tch than I am amy day, man-rag or no man-rag.
Here’re clear signs 10 signs The Man is on the (man) rag and should be treated with the same exaggerated caution that they adopt when we are PMSing hard and are supposedly hysterical.
If you ask him to do the dishes and he does this… *Man-rag*
When he’s had a hard day at work while on the man-rag (and yes he claims the bloating is water retention caused by manstruation).
When WE have the “nerve” to suggest period sex. *Hello double standards…*
When all the chocolate is gone…
When he’s glued to the couch with a hot water bottle and bunny slippers and realises there’s no more episodes of Breaking Bad left…
When he’s gotten to the final level of GTA 5 and still feels like crap… When will this hellish blood letting let up??? Oh ho, welcome to our lives… he better pray for early man-opause.
Oh he does NOT cry pretty…
Sidenote: There is no way any woman has ever made this big a deal of a period ever. FACT.
When all the Sauvignon Blanc is gone and he’s moved on to the red, for god’s sake keep him away from The Notebook he will NOT be able for it.
When you’re not sure if he’s stoned or pre-menstrual due to intense binge eating…
When the feels are just too much for him…