It’s the stuff that dreams are made of: imagine eating a dessert for breakfast and not gaining any kind of extra weight as a result.
We’re the first to admit that it sounds way too good to be true, and, if we’re being honest, it probably is. However, new research from Tel Aviv University states that having a sweet treat at breakfast time could actually help you to lose weight. Yes, seriously.
The research, which was published in the research journal Steroids, focussed on a study of 200 non-diabetic obese adults who were split into two groups.
The first group was told to eat a large breakfast that contained one sweet treat (like a doughnut) and a smaller meal later in the day. Meanwhile, the second group was told to eat a small breakfast and to have a larger meal later on in the day. Both groups consumed the same amount of calories on a daily basis.
According to the research, the group that was given a large breakfast and a sweet treat first thing in the morning stuck to their diets better than the group that was given a small breakfast. They also managed to keep the weight off in the final months of the study.
Researchers believe that by eating something sweet first thing in the morning, it helps to stave off cravings for unhealthy food as the day goes on.
“The goal of a weight loss diet should be not only weight reduction but also reduction of hunger and cravings, thus helping to prevent weight regain,” said Dr Daniel Jakubowicz, the lead author of the study.
Hmm…we don’t know about you, but we’re pretty sceptical here. Could you even handle sugary food like a doughnut first thing in the morning? Wouldn’t a bit of fruit or a yogurt be better for your overall health? What do you think ladies?