Brought to you by NiQuitin.
Don’t hate me cos you ain’t me.
That’s your new motto because, guess what? YOU’VE DONE IT. Whoop whoop whoop. Ten weeks of stress and cravings and discovery and happiness later and you have officially made it to the end of the #QuitToFit challenge.
Take a bow there, friends. Give yourselves a pat on the back – you deserve it.
Your journey is not over though, no siree. This is only the beginning. It’s time to get out there and really start living life as the new you – you’re on your own now but we know you can do it.
Keep up those new-found hobbies, or keep developing your old ones. Make sure you surround yourself every day with people who bring out the best in you and who make your life better.
Use the #QuitToFit challenge as a jumping off point or as a guide if things start to get a little tough, but don’t be afraid to get out there and keep exploring life and discovering more about yourself. This could be the start of the most exciting year of your life, so don’t let it slip by.
Of course, as always, addiction expert and life coach, Raul Aparici, has some advice and a few parting words for you all.
“There was a time when your social life, your breaks and even your income were subjected to the whims of your addiction. The day was constructed around your cigarette breaks and your body would suffer in different ways, both in the short and the long term. Here’s the good news, you’ve broken free! But every day you get to decide if you’re going to keep your freedom. We are at the end of the 10 weeks and it has been a journey! This is, however, still only the beginning.
“We have so many exciting times ahead! A new-found love for healthy food; the amazing feeling you get by moving around in your body; perhaps you have become proficient at Yoga or Boxercise! Whatever it is that has kept you going, do more of it.
“Be very clear about who your champions are: who is going to continue supporting you in your journey, who can you turn to for help and support when you have a bad day, etc. There’s so much support out there: speak to your pharmacist, add a quit smoking website to your favourites, use quit smoking aides, look up support groups and counsellors. Stay close to your #QuitToFit partner, stay on the journey together whenever possible.”
And take heed of the most important bit (because no one is perfect):
“Give yourself a break should you have a little slip up. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and carry on where you left off.”
A momentary slip does not, we repeat, does NOT mean you have failed, and it most certainly does not mean that you should give up. You have achieved too much to turn back now.
You’ve taken back control of your life. The whole world is ahead of you. Take a deep breath (with those lovely clean lungs) and start living.
Check out how our teams fared with the challenge on Instagram. Have a look at how the campaign went and let us know how you got on with the #QuitToFit hashtag.
Brought to you by NiQuitin.
Combining nicotine patches and nicotine lozenges is clinically proven to be an unbeatable way of quitting.* Try the NiQuitin 14mg patch for 24-hour craving control and NiQuitin 1.5mg mini lozenges for craving relief.
NiQuitin Clear 21mg, 14mg & 7mg 24 hrs transdermal patches and NiQuitin 1.5mg & 4mg Mini Lozenges are stop smoking aids that contain nicotine but you still require willpower. Always read the label.
*Provides significant improvements in quit rates compared to the patch alone.
No purchase or use of NiQuitin is required.
In partnership with NiQuitin.