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23rd Nov 2014

It Started With A Dress: Holiday Mode

Forget the scales. It's all about the dress.


In a new weekly feature, newbie Liz is going to share her weight loss journey. She’ll be filling you in on fighting temptation, her willpower struggles with the cocktail menu and taking painfully slow steps towards regular exercise. All in the name of a dress. 


Hanging on the wall at the end of my bed is the constant reminder I plan on shedding nearly two stone this year. I also plan on marking the trials and tribulations of ‘trying to be good’ – the favourite saying we all tout, and quickly replace when a cake is put in front of us.   

Week 34: This is why I need to go to a meeting…

Sometimes, life isn’t fair.

We’re going to pretend all  real-life catastrophes aren’t actually happening and let me wallow in self-pity this week.

I went up two pounds. And I was not impressed.

I won’t even lie to you. I was so convinced it couldn’t be right, that I took off my jeans (‘cause they’re clearly too heavy to be wearing on a scales) and got back on the scales.

I could put it down to hormones (yes, it was coming up to that time of month), or that the scales must have a glitch, or I could admit that I haven’t been to a meeting in three weeks and I was weighing myself.

The reason I haven’t made it into a meeting?

A mix of laziness to get out of bed when I could be having a sleep-in, not having my car one day and then after getting cocky, deciding maybe I could do this alone.

(Hint: I can’t)

I need that extra motivation, which I clearly hadn’t had an injection of in a while.

Maybe the teaspoon had slipped into the sugar bowl one too many times, or ‘just one slice of pizza’ had turned into two?

Also, my exercise was limited to two walks, or as my sister used to say ‘a walk with a purpose’ – knowing there was a treat coming my way. I may (definitely did) pick up some ice-cream on the way back from a long walk this week. Ben and Jerrys, just ‘cause sometimes you need a threesome with two of your favourite men.

I also had  a Sex and the City marathon planned. Everyone knows that ice-cream is the perfect date for that theme-tune.

So I could give a list of reasons why I’m totally shocked to have climbed up on the scale, but well I’d be totally lying.

I’m trying this new thing, where I’m going to be brutally honest with myself.

Like how I hate that when I wear a tank top I have little pockets of fat under my arm. Not a bingo wing, but more like a pudgy baby wrist of fat sitting between my arm and my torso. Or that spanx have a permanent place in my wardrobe.

So how do I plan to rectify the 2 pounds and get back on track?

Well, first and foremost, I need to start tracking for a week. For anyone else on easy and filling plans, I think it just doesn’t suit my style. Maybe I need to count a point or two to make more sense of the plan for me?

Also, I need to use my gym card for more than a prop to keep my bedroom window open. Better call the maintenance man so. My ‘quick-fix’ is about to get the heave-ho.

And I’m going to do it all with a bit of ease. I might even buy myself a Christmas outfit for inspiration. Something I want to treat myself to, to feel like the spotlight on Christmas day.

Think baby Jesus, but probably a bit more glitzy, or possibly with a 60s cut.

So, I’m off on holiday for a week. A week off, to eat, drink and be merry (on an exercise high of course)

I’ll see you back here for December, and the real countdown to turkey feasting.

It’s going to be an interesting month…

Height: 5ft 8

Starting Weight: 174 lbs

Current Weight: 159 lbs

Weight Loss To Date: 15 lb

Goal: 148 lbs

Feeling: Prepared

The Dress in Question… NOW FITS!