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11th Sep 2017

Kylie Jenner’s reason for having her lips plumped is truly heart-breaking

Kylie has long been open about her use of lip fillers.

Louise Carroll

And the chances are, plenty of people can relate to it too.

So many of us alter our appearance in an effort to boost our confidence and make sure we’re feeling and looking our best. It’s a natural phenomenon really, but it’s heartrending to think drastic changes can be caused by just a few simple, but hurtful words from another.

Kylie and her sister Kendall in 2012.

Kylie Jenner, whose lips have been the topic of much chit-chat for… far too long now, spoke about her changing appearance on E!’s Life of Kylie on Sunday night. She said,

“It was like one of my first kisses and a guy was like, ‘I didn’t think you would be a good kisser because you have such small lips.’”

“Just when a guy you like says that, I don’t know… it just really affected me – I just didn’t feel desirable or pretty.”

Oh, Kylie! *major tear face*

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Doesn’t it make you want to have a few words with that young man?! Kylie would have been around 16 or 17 years of age at the time – a period which is no doubt particularly hard to take commentary on your appearance all that well.

Let this be a lesson to us all people. Words really do hurt and leave a lasting mark, so let’s just be kind to one another.