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26th Jul 2018

Jack has a ‘BIG question’ for Dani tonight and we are so excited for it to happen

Olivia Hayes

This is getting us so excited for tonight’s episode.

Because, obviously, we have no lives and Love Island is the only thing that gets us excited these days.

Jack and Dani have been our favourite couple from the start, and we absolutely hated whenever they fought.

First, Jack’s ex Ellie was sent into the villa to shake things up. It caused a rift between the pair for a while, but then they resumed back to their lovely selves.

Then, the lie detector test caused some major drama as Dani began to fret that Jack would cheat and lie to her in the outside world.

Everything got cleared up in the end, and last night we saw them at their best during the baby challenge.

However, tonight Jack has a “big question” for Dani, and we’re just dying to know what it is.

Dani and Jack are taken by surprise when an early morning text awakens them and informs them they will soon be whisked out of the villa for their final date.

The text reads: “Dani and Jack, it’s time to get up, up and away as you head out for your final date. #risetotheoccasion #loveisintheair.”

A dazed and confused Dani tells the Beach Hut: “Jack has shaken me this morning. I thought ‘ooooh what am I waking up for you know? We’re going on our final date. It’s not so bad is it? I’ve never been woken up for such a lovely surprise, usually I don’t like being woken up.”

During their date, they start discussing their future together, and Dani mulls over what obstacles they will face on the outside:

“We’ve had all our tests in here, but what do you reckon the one will be the most when we get out?” she says.

Jack then bites the bullet and decides to ask Dani an important question about the next step in their fledgling relationship: “I’ve got something I want to ask you. I just think this would be amazing. Obviously it’s the next logical step for us.”

 Will he get the answer he is looking for though? We are SO excited to find out.