The life of a prince, eh?
If we told you that you could do anything for your birthday, what would it be? A big party? A dinner with family and friends? A night away? A trip to a private island?
Obviously, if money was no object the latter would be our first choice.
And it seems to be the choice for Prince George.
George will turn 6-years-old tomorrow and his family have jetted away on their annual holiday to the island of Mustique.
Mustique is a private island in the Caribbean archipelago nation of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. It’s known for white-sand beaches like Macaroni Beach, Pasture Bay Beach and Endeavour Bay Beach. It’s also a no-fly zone which means the royal family can enjoy their time there with no worries of paparazzi interruption.
A source told the Daily Express that the family often travel to the island because it’s incredibly discreet.
“It’s about as close as they can come to without going to total wilderness as they did on their honeymoon when they went to an island in the middle of nowhere.
“To go to a place with two bars and a few other people, and not feel totally isolated Mustique is perfect.”
Can we go along too?