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26th May 2018

James Kavanagh’s voting story is legit the funniest thing you’ll hear all day

Jade Hayden


Yesterday, Ireland took to the polls to decide whether to repeal or retain the eighth amendment.

As we now know, the country appears to have voted overwhelmingly in favour of ‘Yes’ – great news for all involved.

Today, we all waited with baited breath for the official results to come in knowing that we had all gone to our polling stations, put an ‘X’ in the box, and done our bit to make Ireland a more compassionate place.

One person who also did the above was James Kavanagh.

He announced that he had voted by sharing a GIF of a very nervous looking cat saying: “Actual footage of me putting an X on the YES box making sure I’m doing everything correctly.”

It was gas.

Some people, however, didn’t think James’s tweet was that gas at all.

In fact, they thought it was so not-gas that they decided to literally report him for filming himself while voting (which is, as we all know, not allowed).

Except, as well also know, James wasn’t filming himself. It was a GIF of a cat. A literal GIF of a cat.

James wrote:

This guy wasn’t satisfied though.

He couldn’t accept that this cat was not James Kavanagh and he decided to email the Data Commissioner about it.

No, really. He CC’ed James and everything.

He even attached the GIF of the cat.

Stunning scenes.

It remains to be seen as to whether James will get in trouble for daring to share such a bold video of himself voting in yesterday’s referendum.

More to follow as we have it.