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06th Aug 2017

Men who watch porn younger are more likely to do this to women

Tone it down.

Darragh Berry

The younger you start watching, the worst it will be.

According to the BBC, a research study has found that the younger a male starts getting into pornography, the more likely he is to have sexist attitudes in later life.

The study was carried out at the University of Nebraska and they found that men who came across porn at an early age were more inclined to want power over women.

Furthermore, men who saw porn for the first time at an older age were seen to be a lot more sexually promiscuous than most.

There were 330 undergraduate men involved in this study at the university and on average, they began watching porn when they were just 13.

In saying this, one member of the group did admit to not coming across porn until very late in life at the age of 26 while another member said he first saw material of that nature when he was just five years old.

The men were asked about their sexual behaviour and attitude towards women in a 46 question survey which also asked if their first time viewing porn was intentional, accidental or forced.

Although the study did not take into account how much porn the men consumed, what genre of porn it was, or their own personal background, it is still believed that porn can have a widespread impact on men’s sexual relationships with women.

