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01st Jul 2012

Write on Twitter – Authors we adore who love to tweet!

While you wait for your favouite Irish author releases a new book, make sure you're following them on Twitter. Here's some Irish Writer Girls who we wish would #TweetHer!

Rebecca McKnight

God bless that little blue bird! 

We all know the feeling when you’ve waited MONTHS for a new Keyes/Kelly/Ahern to come out and its papery goodness finally lands into your welcoming arms.

Maybe you’ve settled down by the fire with the phone on silent and the wine cooled, maybe you’ve saved it to make a break away in the sun even more of a treat, or maybe it’s the only thing that gets you through the drudge of the daily commute. There is no feeling like a new book from an author who takes you away from the daily grind and transplants you into another world. Where one character can become your dream BFF, where you can fall head-over-heels for a man who exists only in type, and where you’re reminded that everyone’s mother has the potential to make a holy show of them from time to time.

Alas, your time together is brief. The heroine resolves the central conflict, and most likely lives happily ever after – while you still carry on getting stuck beside the smelly guy on the bus every time. Then it’s back to square one until another of your favourites has the good grace to release a new novel ASAP.

Love it or loathe it, on this front – Twitter is your friend. If you’re reading Irish authors but not following them on the social networking site, you are missing out.  Those lines of prose that make you guffaw aloud on the train need not be a once a year treat. Instead, you can see a take the daily life of modern Irish women through the eyes of the same gals who make you laugh, cry and SWEAR you’ll eventually get around to writing that novel you outlined in Leaving Cert English. Sure Ms. O’Connor told you it was only brilliant…


Five to follow:

Marian Keyes (@mariankeyes)

She’s only been on it a wet week – but Keyes is the unofficial queen of Twitter. Get on it for a laugh-out-loud running commentary on household repairs, her love of Jedward, an appreciation for tay (tea) that borders on the religious – and a lady who seems to genuinely revel in chatting with her followers.

Sample tweet – Listen, lads, I didn’t realise when I used capitals that I was shouting. I thought I was just doing emphasis. What must you *think* of me!!! 

Amy Huberman (@amyhuberman)

Strange maths time. Amy Huberman = Successful actress and author, married to Brian O’Driscoll. Plus, she’s gorgeous. Yet it’s impossible to hate her! Amy’s tweets make us think she would be the perfect pal for a girls’ night in or out, and she’s hilarious to boot. Follow for laugh out loud one-liners and to get a sneak peek into life as Ireland’s number one rugby mrs. 

Sample tweet – The tender moment when you and the cashier both reach for the same item and briefly hold hands #beautiful 

Cathy Kelly (@cathykellybooks)

Former journalist Kelly doesn’t go for the laughs like the aforementioned ladies, but she’s very sweet. Another Twitter user who’s quick to reply to followers and retweet good causes, Kelly also keeps people up to speed with her new book releases and her charitable work with Unicef Ireland.

Sample tweet – Have started new book! Well, have written words down but to paraphrase JJoyce; not sure if the right order 

Melissa Hill (@melissahillbks)

The author of best-selling titles like ‘Something From Tiffany’s’ and ‘The Last To Know’, Hill is known in women’s fiction as the master of the ‘big twist’. She tweets about her own titles, other books she likes and throws in some humourous observations on daily life. You can also follow her sort-of-alter-ego; she tweets under @caseyhill too – the penname used for a line of forensic thrillers she co-writes with husband Kevin. 

Sample tweet – Letter from IRS in today’s post instinctively put the heart across me. Obviously have been reading way too much Grisham.

Sheila O’Flanagan (@sheilaoflanagan)

Dubliner O’Flanagan worked in financial services before embarking on a new career as a writer fifteen years ago.  Her first novel ‘Dreaming of a Stranger’ was published in 1997 and since then it’s been a steady stream of bestsellers. On Twitter, she reacts to fan comments, retweets funny comments by others, and keeps followers up to speed on the daily life of an author. It’s not all glamour you know!

Sample Tweet – Sitting beside woman reading #50shadesofgrey on flight. Not sure how I feel knowing she’s reading S&M while I’m having a cuppa #yucky


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