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23rd Feb 2016

WATCH: Broadcaster Susan Keogh Reads THAT Viral Letter at Our First Live Her Talks

Cassie Delaney

We were delighted to launch our Her Talks series last week in The Project Arts centre.

The brand series comes as a response to the need to shed light on the issues affecting women in contemporary Ireland. The live events will be taking place every 6 weeks and delve into a variety of topics, from the representation of women in politics to wage inequality, to repeal the 8th.

Our first night opened with a conversation on the representation of women in politics  and the media. Mary Lou McDonald spoke passionately about being a woman at the forefront of policymaking in this country. The need to have more women in politics was reinforced by our own Liz McHugh who highlighted the costs of being a woman and the importance of gender quotas. We were joined also by Michelle O’Donnell Keating from Women for Election who told us how a gender balanced government could be achieved.

Moving into media, Susan Keogh from TodayFM spoke about the Twitter troll who questioned her position as a working mother and ultimately inspired an incredible viral response. Her letter reached the four corners of the globe and has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times.

Here she reads that letter and talks about the response, her reasoning and how ultimately she wants a better future for her daughter.

Check out her full talk below and keep an eye on site for more.