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16th Apr 2014

There’s A Way To Find Out How Much Time You Spend Procrastinating On Twitter And Facebook

Numbers are cool

Alanna Alexander

Do you want to know how much time you’re spending on Facebook or Pinterest or LinkdIn?

There’s a Chrome and Firefox plug-in that can track all of that. The plug-in called Surfkoll will show you how many sites you’ve visited in the last seven days, your most visited sites and when in the week you’re most Internet-active.

It will even tell you if you’re an “extreme” or “low” user.

The site was created by a Swedish agency as a promotional vehicle for the IT college Nackademin. “Initially the purpose was to make more people realize that they know more about IT than one might think, and hopefully generate an interest in studying IT at Nackademin (in Sweden),” says Rodolfo’s Ludwig Jonsson.

You can take a “Surf Selfie” then and let everyone know your habits, unless your habits just involve watching cat videos all day – nobody wants to see that.

