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13th Jun 2017

Galway hospital sees 4 selfie-related injuries in one week

Anna O'Rourke

Mind yourself(ie).

Staff at a Galway hospital were shocked when four people presented with selfie-related injuries in one week last summer.

Four women were treated for wrist fractures due to trauma caused while taking selfies at University College Hospital Galway in the space of seven days, according to a report in the the Irish Medical Journal.

The four patients were aged between 13 and 40, reports the Irish Times.

One of the women was standing on rocks outdoors and took a few steps back while trying to take a selfie and fell back onto the rocks, injuring her wrist.

Another was mid-jump on a trampoline when she tried to a take a selfie and fell back, suffering a double-wrist fracture in the arm that wasn’t holding the phone.

The authors of the report, doctors at the hospital’s Department of Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery, called for more public information on safe selfie-taking.

