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28th May 2015

Dear Readers: An Open Letter to Exam Students from

We’ve come together to share our wisdoms with you


This year has flown by and while we’re sitting here awaiting the exam weather, we still spare a thought for all of our lovely readers out there preparing for exams.

We don’t envy the stress you’re under so to ease your minds a little bit, we’ve come together to share our wisdoms with you.


Cassie says:

When I was doing my Leaving Cert, I must have changed my mind a billion times. I didn’t get my first choice and ended up going into a course that I cared very little for.

I changed courses and ended up studying something that hadn’t seriously crossed my mind before sitting the dreaded L.C.

However it was only then that I began seriously pursuing my passion for writing and journalism and now I’m the top writer for It’s amazing where life takes you.


College is great but it does not define your end career. There are no exams on earth that can measure your passions, your kindness and your determination. These exams won’t show how much you’re kicking ass.

We’re always astounded by the talent of our readers and just today, we had this video sent in of Sarah who is belting out these awesome covers while studying.

Work hard and be kind and you’ll always end up where you’re meant to be. We’ve no doubt Sarah’s going to kick ass in the coming years.

Yes we are sitting in the turf, enjoy!

Posted by Invisible Exports on Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Liz says:

I think it’s really important for people to remember that you’re 18. You’re not meant to have it all figured out. You will change your mind, and even if you don’t, your career will take so many twists and turns. It always does. The most important thing is to make yourself happy.

I think my words of advice to anyone worrying would be to realise that there’s so many ways to go after what you want. The Leaving Cert won’t define you.

In every job interview I’ve ever had, I’ve been asked why I’m passionate about my career, where I see myself in the future and what I plan to do to get there.

If you want something bad enough, you’ll find a way to make it happen – whether it’s through the CAO form, or amazing work experience opportunities. Just don’t give up on yourself.

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Mary says:

I was never an academic person. I always preferred playing football instead of studying, and would be more likely to be found on the side of a pitch rather than in the library.

The Leaving Cert never defined me. I wasn’t over the moon with my results and I thought my life was over. In fact, it had just begun: and I have never been asked what I got in my Leaving Cert by anyone since.


While it is important to strive to do your best in your exams, it won’t be the end of the world if it doesn’t go to plan.

You have your whole life ahead of you and as my mammy would say, everything happens for a reason.

If you are determined, have a passion for what you want to do and are confident you can make it happen, you will get to where you want to be – and have heaps of fun along the way to get there.


Caitriona says:

I was five points short of my dream course and at the time, I thought it was the end of the world. Rather than repeat, I accepted my second choice purely because I couldn’t watch my friends head off to college and leave me behind.

The course I took had many shared classes with my dream course and it soon became clear that I would have hated my original course.


I enjoyed every second of my three years, but if you had told me on results day where I would be now, I would have had you committed!

Cat says
Don’t worry about not knowing right away what you want to do and where you want to go. Don’t worry if all of your course choices are different from the other – you’re just keeping your options open!

And don’t think that the course you end up studying needs to be your career for the rest of your life. I did an undergrad course in Psychology and now, I’m in marketing!
You never know where life will take you and your interests in your career could always change along the way. Just enjoy yourself during college and take your time with the choices you make.

Megan says:

Thinking of ‘shoulds’ and ‘ifs’ will drive you crazy: I ‘should’ get 400 points, ‘if” I don’t get my course then what will happen?

Forget them ‘what ifs’ and ‘maybes’ – and just do your best.

Because here’s the thing: If your question doesn’t come up, you’ll still be okay.

If you don’t get the points you expected, you’ll still be okay.

If you don’t get the same course as your friend, you’ll still be okay.

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The Leaving Cert is not going to dictate your life, and whatever happens, you’ll deal with it. Ask anyone who’s been through it.

Look after yourself, have a cup of tea, go for a walk and watch your favourite TV program.

There is life after the Leaving Cert – and it’s great fun!