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13th Aug 2014

Bad News, Ladies! Here’s What Your Drunk Texts Really Mean…

We might keep this one to ourselves...


There’s hardly a woman among us who hasn’t sent a few unadvisable texts to the object of her affections while out drinking but a new survey has left us a little red-faced.

While we may wake up the following morning and explain away our cringeworthy actions with the old reliable ‘I was soooo drunk’ excuse, a new study by psychology professor Bruce Bartholow has found that what we think after a few too many glasses of Sauvignon Blanc is EXACTLY what we think when we are sober.

According to Cosmopolitan, Bartholow came to his findings by putting 22 drunk people in front of a computer and making them complete challenges, before taking another set of sober youths to finish the same set of tests.

Those who were drinking were as aware when they made a mistake during the test (an alarm bell would ring) but just didn’t care as much as the sober half, leading Bartholow to come to the conclusion that “alcohol isn’t about your inability to control your actions, but your general disinterest in what they mean”.

We might keep this one to ourselves. Otherwise, there’s a few awkward convos to be had….