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04th May 2019

Apparently people who sleep less are at risk of dying sooner, so hit snooze baby

Rebecca O'Keeffe

Lie in, anyone?

Are you one of those people who literally shudders at the sound of their alarm?

Welcome to our world.

There’s nothing we adore more than sleep. Honestly like, it’s our favourite hobby!

Well, according to new research, if you sleep more, you may live longer.

Sleeping less has be linked to shorter life span, so hit that snooze button and roll over.

You don’t really NEED that job anyway.


Experts recommend that we all get at least 7 hours of shut eye per night, and not doing so has consequences.

These consequences can have a huge detrimental effect on your physical and mental health.

For example, people who are sleep deprived are at greater risk of certain cancers such as colon and breast cancer.

Oddly, it can also increase feelings of loneliness, which is best avoided tbh.


Another thing that may suffer as a result of lack of good shut eye? Your short term memory.

Basically, even a few nights of shitty sleep can cause problems, but over a long time period these just get worse.

All joking aside, sleeping is really important.