Brought to you by NiQuitin.
Life is moving on.
It’s officially been a month, people (hurrah!). The smoking train has left the station and it’s long, long gone.
Sure, you’ll still experience a few cravings (especially in jobs where only the smokers get five minute breaks. Excuse me, what’s up with that?), but the hard part is well and truly over. And for the rest of it, well, we, along with Quit To Fit, are here to get you through that.
Last week, we looked at how your taste buds are recovering and how you can start experiencing food in the best way possible. Now it’s time to look at how you can experience life in the best way possible.
Your body should really be coming into its own by now – the coughing should be easing up, and your lungs should already be on the mend. After only two weeks, circulation, lung functions and lung condition start to improve. You’ll probably be able to feel that in your breathing now – take some deep breaths and notice the difference.
It’s time to put those lungs to proper use.
As always, addiction expert and life coach, Raul Aparici, has some great advice for anyone who’s finding themselves in a bit of a rut.
“Whenever clients tell me they feel stuck, I encourage them to get active physically. Moving your body can do wonders for your mental state.”
Apart from the obvious benefits that exercise can bring, it can also open your eyes to all the new possibilities in front of you now. Giving up smoking is hard, but you’ve already burned through the past the hardest part and a new you is rising from the ashes. This is a new beginning. Don’t let the hardships take that away from you.
“Use the power of metaphor to visualise your journey ahead,” says Raul. “Notice how the trail bends and climbs, how the scenery changes as you walk. Cultivate a new way to look at the world around you and a sense of perspective and most importantly of wonder. This is one of the many new things you can look forward to as a non-smoker.
“When you get to the top of the hill, rather than huffing and puffing and being all out of breath, you’re going to feel a sense of accomplishment. And every time you climb a little mountain it will all become a little bit easier until the day comes when you no longer baulk at the steepness of the road and you just get on with it.”
This is your new life now as a non-smoker. Don’t forget to look around and enjoy the journey.
Keep up to date with how our teams are doing on Instagram. Follow along with the campaign on Facebook and Instagram and let us know how you’re getting on with the #QuitToFit hashtag.
Brought to you by NiQuitin.
Combining nicotine patches and nicotine lozenges is clinically proven to be an unbeatable way of quitting.* Try the NiQuitin 14mg patch for 24-hour craving control and NiQuitin 1.5mg mini lozenges for craving relief.
NiQuitin Clear 21mg, 14mg & 7mg 24 hrs transdermal patches and NiQuitin 1.5mg & 4mg Mini Lozenges are stop smoking aids that contain nicotine but you still require willpower. Always read the label.
*Provides significant improvements in quit rates compared to the patch alone.
No purchase or use of NiQuitin is required.
In partnership with NiQuitin.