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20th Sep 2017

6 exercise hacks that even the lazy girl can enjoy

Noirin Byrne

Brought to you by the Dublin Simon Community.

What can make you happier, healthier, boost your confidence and make your skin glow?

Exercise! There’s a lot to be said for working out without realising it and it’s so much easier than you think, especially if you incorporate it into your daily routine. You might find you make excuses for yourself and regularly say ‘I don’t have time for exercise’, but it’s all about having the right attitude ladies. You can do it if you really want to!

So, if you’re struggling to find time for exercise  or you’re just too darn lazy to go to the spin class you signed up for, here are  five ways to fit it in without having to hit the gym.

1.Early morning stroll

Hit the hay at a reasonable time and set your alarm to wake up ½ hr early. Can’t quite drag yourself out of bed that early? Wear your workout clothes to bed and get your sweat on as soon as you wake up. You will probably feel like hitting the snooze button repeatedly in the first few weeks but power on through! If you do this even twice a week, you’ll reap the rewards. Becoming an early morning exerciser means you can cross it off your to-do list before your day has properly even started. Celebs are all over this and Amanda Seyfred is a huge fan of early morning walks with her dogs.


A post shared by Amanda Seyfried (@mingey) on

2. Ditch your stiletto’s

Your stiletto’s might make your Monday’s sparkle but if you’re committed to squeezing in a few extra steps go with your flats. You’re more likely to run errands on foot or by bike if you’re in a pair of comfy shoes. It’s all about the flats ladies!

3. Turn your commute into a workout

Take advantage of your commute and use it as a time to up your exercise. Whether you cycle to work or get off a couple of bus stops early and do a short power-walk, combining travel with exercise is a great way to get moving.

4. Ditch the lift

 Use stairs and don’t take a taxi to meetings around the corner. At the top of the stairs, you’ll get a glow from making the right choice and not choosing the lift. That feels good, right?

5. Visit the park during your lunch hour.

Fitting in a lunchtime work-out isn’t always that easy especially with all those client meetings and lunchtime visits to the nail salon. But a brisk walk in the park should get your endorphins pumping and it only has to take 20 minutes. Not only are you upping your steps but you’ll feel more productive for the rest of the afternoon. It’s a win-win for us ladies.

6. Run for a good cause

Why do so many people recommend charity runs to their friends? Because it gets you fit and could help take someone off the streets this winter. Your next workout has the potential to do so much good so why not sign up for this year’s Simon Home Run and make a difference to someone else’s life? Pound the streets for a purpose and sign up now!

Even if all you’ve got is 10 minutes during your day, grab it! None of these tips are earth shattering and are meant for the busiest (and laziest!) of us all. You may not but quite ready for marathon running just yet but a little exercise is better than nothing.

Brought to you by the Dublin Simon Community.

Dublin Simon Community are asking people to hit the pavement and come together, not just for fun but for Homes! We want people of all ages to join the movement against the homeless epidemic in the Phoenix Park on 07 October. Register now at  and raise essential funds to provide homes to for those who are being devastated by the crisis. Â