It can happen to the best of us.
Every now and again, we all go through phases where we’re feeling super sluggish and just generally *~off~*.
We’re not our best selves and we’re not going full power – which can make us feel even crappier about ourselves.
So, if you need to give yourself a little boost, here are three positive steps to take to get rid of the sluggish feeling altogether.
Water. ALL the water.
Try drink as much water as you can. Summit Medical Group’s Alison Kole told Women’s Health: “Most of us walk around in a state of dehydration on a daily basis, and when your body is dehydrated it can make you feel tired and sluggish.”
If you’re not into plain water though, juice, tea or even soup broth will add to your water intake.
Eat both carbs AND protein
“Choose a carb and a protein for maximum punch,” Alison said. However, you don’t need to start snacking on crisps or chips.
“Try an apple with a piece of string cheese, a cracker with nut butter, or half of a protein bar.”
Do a few laps of the office
Even if you’re just getting up to fill your water bottle (which we suggest you buy), walk around the office for a couple of minutes to wake up.
We often feel a slump coming on midday, so when that hits, get your circulation going and keep your muscles active. “Do it regularly to keep tiredness at bay and keep your mind focused—a move break is just as good for your mind as it is for your body,” Alison explains.