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29th Oct 2013

Memories Not Money – New Research Reveals What Makes Children Happiest in the Home

Rebecca McKnight

Good news for parents with Christmas on the way – when it comes to keeping the kids happy, new research reveals it’s not all about expensive holidays and a playroom full of toys.

The study from IKEA shows the key to a happy family life is actually closer to home, with almost half (52%) of Irish children and teens saying spending time with their family makes them happiest of all.

When asked about their happiest memories of the year so far, children named moments such as “family dinners at home”, “learning to ride a bike” and “birthday parties at home” – suggesting the simple things in life are still a treasured part of growing up. And despite the rise of technology in young peoples’ lives, family time still rates higher than playing on computers, iPads or smartphones (50%). 

The research also shows the evening meal is still at the heart of a happy home, with almost a quarter (24%) of children saying spending time around the dining table makes them happiest.

In fact, of all aspects of family life, eating dinner together remains important for young people throughout their childhood, with one in three (29%) 15-18 year olds still enjoying this tradition as they reach adult life.

And when it comes to where children like spending time the most, it seems kids’ bedrooms hold top priority, with two thirds (66%) saying their own bedroom is the best place in the house.

This is followed by the living room (45%) and garden (21%), showing communal family areas are still a valued part of family life.

At a time when families are already facing increased financial pressures, the research reveals a third (33%) of parents believe having more space in the home would make their children happier.

Yet worried parents should take heart. When children were asked the same question, over half (55%) of those polled said simply having an input into the way their bedrooms were decorated would make them feel happier than living in a bigger house (21%).

And if given free rein to make changes to their homes, four out of every ten (42%) children would make the floorboards bouncy, over one third (37%) would turn the staircase into a slide, whilst three out of ten children would build tunnels linking every room in the house. Sounds good to us.