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24th Aug 2016

The new sequel to The Ring looks terrifying

Would you go for round 3 of The Ring?

Laura Holland

Would you go for round 3 of The Ring?

It’s hard to believe that it’s been 14 years since the release of The Ring. It was by far one of the scariest movies and left you scared to answer your phone. There was a follow-up movie in 2005 which was equally as menacing.

The idea of the original story was that once someone watched a videotape they would die a week after. A little girl, Samara, would call the person after they had watched it saying, “seven days” and would continue to torment them until their death a week later.

Interestingly, the girl who played Samara in the original movie is now 25 and is unrecognizable these days.

Well, you’ll be happy to know, or slightly freaked out, that it’s coming back with the same storyline except this time it’s a viral video that people are watching before their seven-day countdown.

The new movie is called Rings and centers around a couple who have watched the clip and are being terrorised by Samara.

If the trailer is anything to go by it’s going to be equally as terrifying as the original.