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08th Aug 2014

‘You’re Good At Stripping’ – Channing Tatum Gets Down To His Boxers In New Bear Grylls Trailer

Happy Friday, ladies!


There are few things on this green earth that make us as happy as seeing Channing Tatum in his underwear so the latest trailer from Bear Grylls’ upcoming series has made us very cheery indeed.

The 22 Jump Street actor has followed in Zac Efron’s footsteps and joined Grylls on his adventures, with a new clip from Running Wild showing the British explorer talk Tatum out of his pants and convince him to backflip off a helicopter.

Grylls is seen goading the 34-year-old, saying “You’re good at stripping, this is your heritage”, with Tatum observing “it’s weird that you picked two things I’m actually OK at”.

Happy Friday, ladies!