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12th Aug 2014

Scandal, The Square And A Secret Millionaire: The Best Of Tonight’s TV

On the small screen this evening...

Rebecca McKnight

From Albert Square to Bates Motel, there’s plenty to watch tonight!

EastEnders – RTÉ One (7.30pm)
Ian prepares for the appeal about Lucy’s murder, Phil demands the truth and Lauren’s show of support for Peter doesn’t go down well with Lola.

enders lola

New Girl – E4 (9.00pm)
This week on the comedy, Nick and Jess take the rest of the gang camping for Thanksgiving but not everyone is as enthusiastic about the outdoors.

new girl

The Secret Millionaire – RTÉ One (9.35pm)
The founder and CEO of Hairspray Ireland, Warren Logan, goes undercover in the hope of finding worthy causes to help.

secret millionaire

Scandal – Sky Living (10.00pm)
In tonight’s episode, Fitz isn’t sure about Mellie and Cyrus’ plan while Olivia learns about the price of Jake’s safety.


Psycho – Film4 (10.45pm)
A woman ends up staying at an isolated motel after going on the run. Alfred Hitchcock thriller with Anthony Perkins and Janet Leigh.
