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29th Jun 2012

5 Celebs We’d Want to be Stuck in a Car With

When it comes to taking a road trip, you need to choose your company carefully. Here's five celebs we'd love to see in our passenger seat...


Jennifer Aniston has, yet again, proved that she is everyone’s favourite friend by being voted the perfect road trip buddy.

Yes, the actress topped a recent survey of film fans conducted by Sky Movies as part of their Road Trip Movie season.

Now, we can understand why men would want to be stuck in a confined space with the lovely Ms Aniston – we imagine it’s simply because she possesses amazing navigational skills – but what celeb would you love to have in your passenger seat?

Here are the Team’s ideal road trip buddies:

5. Dara O’Briain: Dara seems like a logical choice when it comes to picking a road trip buddy. He’s entertaining, he could regale you with some hilarious stories as you drive and he’d keep you laughing.

Distracting? Possibly, but you’d be having so much fun your time in the car would practically fly by.

4. Robert Downey Jnr: We’ve seen him in a road trip film, so we already know that he’d be good craic when it comes to making a long journey via car.

We have no doubt that RDJ would be able to tell us some fantastic/crazy/downright scary stories about the world of celebrity and with those muscles, he looks like he’d be a handy man to have around when it comes to changing a flat tire.

3. David Attenborough: He’s calm, he seems like the soundest person in the world and he could narrate your entire trip in that deeply soothing voice of his. Plus you’d also come home super-educated about the various animals and plants that you come across during your travels.

Okay, so it doesn’t sound like much, but you’ll be amazing at table quizzes for the rest of your life (eh…as long as they’re full of animal/plant related questions).

2. Dave Franco: He’s James Franco’s little brother, so you could absolutely plague him to death with nosey questions about his older brother. Or, y’know, you could just appreciate his own hotness. It seems that sheer beauty is a trait that just so happens to run in the Franco family.

1. Ryan Gosling: In Drive Ryan plays the part of a part-time getaway driver. This means that he would be perfect for getting you to your destination super-quick (Eh…albeit in an illegal manner).

Failing that, he could always take the wheel when you’re tired of driving. Imagine, you could sit back, relax and enjoy his hotness in peace. Awesome.
