It’s not just the ladies.
Yes, according to new findings, “menjections” are on the increase and at a rapid pace. Grazia reported that the number of men receiving cosmetic surgery has rose over 28% in the past decade, with minimally invasive surgery (like lip lifting, rejuvenation and enhancing) up a staggering 74% in the past year alone.
Harry Styles, Brad Pitt and Henry Cavill are among the most requested lip pouts and mouth shapes that people are trying to achieve. But Dr Rian Maercks believes that our selfie culture, over analysis of our features and unhealthy obsession with trying to look “perfect” has caused for this increase. He says: “Even our politicians embody and celebrate narcissism – we have never been more encouraged to analyse our facial features.”
With this spotlight on trying to look “perfect”, it has shown a rise in a particular menjection treatment, and that is to create the “proud lip”. Unknowing of what this is, I researched it and found out that the proud lip is basically plumping the lower lip with filler to create a bigger, stronger bottom lip, with the hope to achieve a more masculine look. According to Dr Rian Maercks this “proud lip” can be seen on Brad Pitt, who appears to be the end goal for any man on the hunt for more desirable lips.
Dr. Maercks has seen the surge in men requesting lip injections in the past year. Where at the beginning of 2016 he might see a couple of men per week, he now gets bookings of approximately five per day.
Award winning cosmetic doctor Dr Esho also commented on this new trend reminding people that all treatments “are still invasive medical procedures with potentially serious risks” and to always exercise caution and do your research before any procedure.