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30th Apr 2020

You can buy frontline workers a coffee tomorrow morning and it only costs €2

Niamh McClelland

Did you know that tomorrow marks Workplace Wellbeing Day?

If the date had fallen off your radar, you’re likely not alone.

As many of our workplaces now merge with our living spaces, certain days, holidays and activities no longer feature on our calendar.

And while some of us may gripe about the micro-stresses born of the current WFH scenario, there are thousands of people whose place of work is a stark reminder of the true gravity of a global pandemic and the continued importance of social distancing.

Frontline workers the length and breadth of Ireland are bravely contending with scenarios that most of us struggle to fathom, and there are few among us who haven’t wanted to honour these individuals and the sacrifices they make on a daily basis.

Well, now you can.

Irish lifestyle brand, Gym + Coffee, have teamed up with The Green Wave to ensure that frontline workers are remembered, supported and celebrated on Workplace Wellbeing Day.

Tomorrow, The Green Wave, which is a social and emotional movement established to help support frontline staff during the Covid-19 crisis, will be working with local coffee shops to deliver coffees to doctors, nurses and first responders across the country.

That’s right; not only will it support those on the frontline, but it will also help bring a bit more business to local cafes during this tough time!

But here’s the thing, they need your help.

If you want to support the initiative and give back to those on the front line, here’s what you do: donate a coffee online with The Green Wave here, post a picture on Instagram with your morning coffee and tag @gympluscoffee, use the hashtags #MakeLifeRicher and #thegreenwave, and then nominate a friend to do the same.

For every picture tagged and coffee bought, Gym + Coffee will match the donation. Every €2 donated to The Green Wave promises to get a quality cup of coffee into the hands of a frontline worker.

It really is that easy!