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30th Sep 2024

What is Myopia and why are more people suffering from it?

Kat O'Connor

Myopia cases are rising but what exactly is it?

A concerning number of young people and teenagers are suffering from Myopia, but what exactly is it?

Myopia is the medical term for nearsightedness but more people are being diagnosed with it due to our increased screen time.

Experts believe there will be 740 million cases globally by 2050.

They have stressed that the condition is a major public concern with experts warning people to cut down their screen time.

There has been a notable increase in the past 30 years with the team confirming it will likely be a major issue for millions in the future.

They said: “It is crucial to recognise that myopia may become a global health burden in the future.”

The team published their findings in the British Journal of Ophthalmology.

What exactly is Myopia?

Myopia is also more commonly known as nearsightedness. It means people have difficulty seeing objects in the distance or ones that are farther away.

The main symptoms include faraway objects appearing fuzzy or blurry, but close items appear clear.

People may also suffer from headaches, eye strain, squinting, and tiredness when driving, playing sports, or looking into the distance.

Children with the condition may also struggle in school, have a short attention span, or hold objects close to their faces to see them more clearly.

Cases are usually diagnosed before a person is 20.

Parents have been urged to limit their children’s screen time in a bid to avoid myopia.




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