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13th Jul 2012

Time-saving Tips for Your Morning Routine

Mornings are hectic. Here are a few tips to get you out your front door and to make sure that you arrive at the office looking fab...


Mornings – there’s just not enough time in them, is there? No matter how early we drag ourselves out of our warm, comfy beds, we always find ourselves running late.

It’s a cruel fact of life that in the morning, time automatically speeds up. Our precious pre-work minutes just seem to whizz by and before we know it, we’ve already missed our bus and are frantically trying to flag down a taxi.

The result of all this early-morning rushing is that by the time we reach work, we’re completely frazzled – why yes, co-workers, we were going for the ‘dragged-through-a-ditch’ look, thanks for asking. Not.

There’s no denying it, mornings are absolutely hectic (especially if you have kids!). So here are a few handy, helpful tips to get you on your way and make sure that you arrive at the office looking calm, composed and without the milk from your cereal drizzled down your top…

Preparation is Key: Yes, it’s a bit of a drag, but taking the time to prepare yourself the night before will definitely help you get out the door that little bit quicker in the morning. On the eve of your next working day, spend twenty minutes prepping yourself for what’s to come.

Iron that top before you flop onto the sofa for the evening and lay out the clothes that you’re planning on wearing the next day. Take the time to gather all your essentials and leave them somewhere handy, so you can just grab them as you’re running out the door (we’re talking handbag, mobile, coat, shoes and any other daily bits you need).

By taking the time to prep yourself the night before, you’re eliminating a lot of unnecessary running around from your morning schedule. Try it for a few days and see how much free time you’ll have. Try it for a week and you’ll be a convert. Guaranteed.

Multi-task: If there’s one thing that women do well, it’s multitasking. Use the power of multitasking to make sure your mornings are more mellow than manic.

It sounds a bit strange, but take a look at your routine and see where you can combine activities to reduce time. For example, brush your teeth while you’re in the shower. Eat your toast while you straighten your hair and have your morning cuppa as you prepare your lunch.

By adopting the practice of multitasking you could shave minutes off your morning rush. This will allow you to arrive at work in a cool, calm, collected manner.

Blitz Your Daily Beauty Regime: When it comes to working day make-up, the best thing that you can do is to simplify and de-clutter your usual make-up routine. Instead of going for an over-complicated look, try a style which makes you look absolutely fabulous but in the quickest amount of time possible.

You know yourself, when you’ve just staggered out of bed, make-up application can be slow…very slow. Therefore it’s essential to cut it down as much as possible.

We know it’s hard, but if you can restrain your make up routine to 10minutes or less, your mornings will be much more time efficient. 


mind matters