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23rd May 2014

They’ve Some Bare Faced Cheek: Danish Gym Offering All-Nude All-Male Classes

Look away now if you're easily shocked...


A crossfit gym in Denmark has added a new class to their schedule – an all-nude, all-male class. 

The decision comes after a number of men complained their clothes were too restricting to their routine. Now gym-goers can shed everything but their trainers (and apparently their kneepads, according to the pictures) when taking part in the fitness routines.

As well as weights, the classes combine rope climbing, and er ball throwing (no pun intended).

Steffen Haldrup Andersen, the creator and director of the class, says:

“People are already so scantily clad at Crossfit that we thought we might as well throw the rest away.”

Although the class is strictly men only, we’re guessing there’s a few women getting ‘lost’ on their way back to the locker rooms.



gym,Health News