The majority of first time parents will agree when we say that caring for someone other than yourself is initially a slightly daunting thought and task. This next father thought it would be handy to pen down a ‘to-do’ list on his very first occasion alone with his baby son.
Chris Illuminati, a work-at-home father, used a post-it note to write down the important things that he wasn’t to forget to do when caring for his son Evan on his own.
“Feed baby, change baby, don’t feed baby to the cat, etc,” were just a first few of the pointers on the first note he told the Huffington Post.
“I thought it would be funny to write wise-ass (can I say that?) things on them,” he explained by email.
Illuminati gather a collection of notes and became inspired, deciding to post-it (see what we did there) online to see how parents on the web would react.
He uploaded several post-its on his Tumblr account, and out of the joke, Message With A Bottle, was born.
Chris now has thousands of followers and fans on his Facebook page, Instagram, Tumblr and Twitter account.
Here are just a few of his best notes of advice.
Chris knows what he’s talking about as he has just added another little one to the family… More post-its, please!