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14th Jul 2013

There’s a New Hollywood Couple on the Block! Actors Spent Fourth of July Fireworks Together

Definitely not a match we’d have seen coming…

Rebecca McKnight

It seems like one New Kid on the Block has found a new lady. 

Blue Bloods star Donnie Wahlberg is reportedly getting hot and heavy with talk show host and former glamour model Jenny Mc Carthy. 

The actor made a steamy, innuendo-laden appearance on Mc Carthy’s self-titled talk show, which airs on VH1, back in March.

During the taping, the pair spoke about dirty talk in the bedroom, and Mc Carthy later blogged about the appearance, saying; “It gets steamy. I mean like really steamy. Being turned on by a guy is always fun but to have it legitimately happen to you on TV is to be turned back into a 12-year-old. By the time we get into the groundbreaking interview, my face turns fifty shades of RED.”

Though they seemed to keep it cool at the time, it seems the sparks were certainly there, and the couple spend a firework laden fourth of July together.

Mc Carthy previously dated funnyman Jim Carrey, while Wahlberg has been divorced from ex-wife Kim Fey since 2008.


