One of our favourite parts of our work here at is watching our readers react and respond to our content. And every week we receive hundreds of comments across Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YoutTube. To celebrate our favourite reader gems, we’re going to be bringing you our pick of the bunch each week.
This week we had some fantastic feedback to our new Her Say series, a hilarious summer confession and more. Take a look below. Has your comment made the cut?
1. Taylor the taxidermist?
Swifty’s talents know no bounds, and we revealed earlier this week that the pop princess has secretly trained to become a love coach. You can check out the full story here.
One of our readers had a very different idea about Taylor’s newly-acquired skills. And it made us laugh. Alot. Check it out below:
2. A fantastic response to our new series
This week saw us debut our new Her Say series, in which we find the most inspirational women around Ireland and give them a say on the most relevant contemporary social issues. We’re constantly astounded by the strength and resilience of Irish women and this week’s video featuring the extraordinarily brave Claire Folan really struck a chord with a lot of you. You can take a look at the full article here and see some of the responses to Claire’s story below.
3. Scarleh for summer
This week we wanted to find out your most embarrassing holiday moments. We had some hilarious responses here, but the below is most definitely our pick of the bunch. Cringe!
4. Passport troubles
In her weekly travel series, ‘Home Is Where Your Passport Is,’ our very own world traveller Mary takes you to some of the world’s most interesting countries. This week she transported us to Mexico, but one of our readers was having some travel issues. Ouch.
5. Die-hard Daniel fans strike again
Earlier this week we caught up with the lovely Majella and Daniel O’Donnell, who revealed that fans tried to take the sheets from the be they she slept in on their wedding night. Totally normally behaviour. You can read the full story here. We loved this quick response from one of our Twitter followers. Lesson of the day? Always listen to your friends.
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