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27th Jul 2020

Irish GP’s video debunking face mask myths has been viewed 20 million times

Alan Loughnane

A simple but very effective video.

While experts have called on the public to wear face coverings in order to help curb the spread of Covid-19, there are some out there who can’t wear masks for medical reasons.

There are also those who refuse to wear them as they say face coverings limit their oxygen intake.

However, a video debunking the myth around oxygen levels and face coverings recently went viral. The video came from Irish GP Dr Maitiú Ó Tuathail, and it received media attention in the UK, the US and other countries around the world.

In the simple video, Dr Ó Tuathail monitored his oxygen level and proceeded to put on six face masks at the same time to show that his oxygen level did not dip by wearing them.

The video was carried on a number of platforms including The New York Post, Fox News, Euronews, and NowThis Politics.

On Dr Ó Tuathail’s initial video, there are over 640,000 views but the combined views from other publications means the video has been viewed over 20 million times.

“I made the video to debunk a dangerous myth regarding face masks, and I’m both surprised and delighted that it has been seen by so many people,” Dr Ó Tuathail said.

“Face coverings are an essential weapon in the fight against Covid-19 and now more than ever, we need to embrace and accept face coverings.

“It is vital that people know the facts around face coverings and their importance in stopping the spread of Covid-19.”

Ó Tuathail, a GP based in Dublin, also serves as Medical Director of Heroes-Aid, a voluntary not-for-profit organisation established in the early stages of the Covid-19 pandemic in March, to protect and support frontline health care workers.

He said that providing frontline workers with PPE to work safely remains one of their priorities.

“At Heroes-Aid, we are striving to provide supports to frontline workers, including supplying them with PPE, as it remains the most important factor in ensuring the safety of frontline healthcare staff during the pandemic,” Ó Tuathail added.