14 members of Jeremy Corbyn’s Shadow Cabinet have tendered their resignation following the EU referendum result.
This weekend saw Hilary Benn sacked from his position of Shadow Foreign Secretary by Corbyn for saying he had a vote of no confidence in the Labour leader.
It is believed that Benn issued his vote of no confidence following criticism that Jeremy Corbyn could have done more for the Remain campaign during the referendum. It is believed Benn was heading up a “coup” to remove Corbyn from the Labour leadership, partly in reaction to the news the Conservative Party will also be undergoing a change in leadership following David Cameron’s intention to resign.
(Photo by Chris J Ratcliffe/Getty Images)
Since Hilary Benn’s sacking, 14 members of Corbyn’s Shadow Cabinet have tendered their resignations, sparking mass upheaval within the Labour Party.
Jeremy Corbyn has since insisted on his desire to remain leader of the Labour Party. His office has released a statement saying “going nowhere”, citing the backing of Labour trade unions are backing him, shadow chancellor John McDonnell and shadow home secretary Andy Burnham.
Deputy leader Tom Watson, who returned from Glastonbury on Sunday afternoon, has said his focus now is to “hold the Labour party together”.
Since the mass resignations, there has been a mass reshuffle in the shadow cabinet, moving Diane Abbott to shadow health secretary, and Emily Thornbury to shadow foreign secretary among others.
Full list of new Labour shadow cabinet appointment: pic.twitter.com/CI3Bnu2p7I
— Siraj Datoo (@dats) June 27, 2016
The fallout from the EU referendum results continue.
This post was originally published on JOE.co.uk