The upcoming marriage referendum has been receiving plenty of TV coverage this week, but amidst all the heated arguments and debates, a genius hashtag has been born – #twoirishmammies.
When one Liam Farrell had this epic realisation, it spawned the hashtag that takes the #irishmammies phenomenon to the next level:
Just realised, if the referendum passes, some kids are going to have #TwoIrishMammies
— Liam Farrell (@drlfarrell) May 19, 2015
Although it’s worth noting that the results of the upcoming referendum won’t actually change the rules around adoption or surrogacy, these tweets are far too good to ignore:
One to ask the dog’s opinion on everything and the other to keep an eye on the rashers. #TwoIrishMammies
— Laura Lee (@GlasgaeLauraLee) May 20, 2015
A two-person race to switch on the kettle when you visit #TwoIrishMammies
— junior85 (@junior85) May 20, 2015
One tellin ya to ‘tuck in your shirt’ and the other licking her thumb and trying to wipe dirt of your cheek #TwoIrishMammies
— Damien Gilmore (@damogilmore) May 20, 2015
Telling you how you are double related that fella,a 5th cousin on ur Mams side,a 6th cousin by marriage on your Moms side #TwoIrishMammies
— Mary McAuliffe (@MaryMcAuliffe4) May 20, 2015
Did you brush your teeth? Yes Mam. Did you brush– YES MAM! #TwoIrishMammies
— Fi Conlon (@fi_conlon) May 20, 2015
You’d be forced to wear two coats leaving the house #twoirishmammies
— Rebecca M (@Smurphette85) May 20, 2015