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04th Jan 2013

Too Broke to Head Out Tonight? Just Because It’s January it Doesn’t Mean You Can’t Enjoy Yourself

It's the first weekend of the New Year and if you're just not feeling a night on the town, here's how to have the ultimate night in...


Today marks the beginning of the first weekend of the New Year and, if you’re anything like us, chances are you’re feeling a bit tired, you’re absolutely flat broke and the last thing you feel like doing is hitting the town and being a social butterfly.

Now, while the thoughts of sitting at home, bored out of your skull and watching the Late Late Show tonight doesn’t inspire the greatest feelings of excitement within you, we’re proposing that you have an awesome night in instead.

How does one go about having the ultimate night in? Here are a few tips to help you get started.

Have a bath and get your pamper on: When was the last time you spent a good hour soaking in a nice, hot bath and reading your favourite magazine? On your way home from work this evening stock up on your favourite glossies, treat yourself to a bar of chocolate and (if you’re feeling super-indulgent) buy a bottle of bubblebath foam.

Tonight, spend your time lounging in the bath unwinding after your week. Don’t rush yourself, just sit back, relax and enjoy. If you want to make things even more tranquil for yourself, light a few candles and play some soft music (although we recommend you leave your CD/iPod outside the bathroom and just turn it up so you can hear it – electrical goods + water = potential safety hazard).

When you’ve finished soaking, spend five minutes applying your favourite body butter and slip into a fresh pair of pyjamas. You’ll be on cloud nine by the time you’ve finished!

Get the girls around for a chat: If you’re feeling the financial strain after Christmas, chances are all your friends are feeling it too. Instead of hitting the town like you normally would, invite the girls over. Chip in and buy a bottle of nice wine between you or a takeaway and spend the evening chatting, having the craic and just generally catching up with each other. It’ll be exactly like your usual nights out, only this time it’ll be in the comfort of your own home.

Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany’s

Watch a classic film: Instead of spending hours mindlessly flicking through the channels on your television, why not rent a classic film and watch that instead? Try Breakfast at Tiffany’s or Gone With The Wind. Both have amazing stories that will definitely entertain you more than a repeat of Keeping up with the Kardashians.

Cook up a storm: Can you remember the last time you cooked yourself a decent meal? If the answer is no, then try getting your cook on tonight. There’s nothing better than a delicious meal, made completely from scratch – especially after a long day at the office. For the sake of an hour’s cooking, it will be well worth it. Who knows? This chicken stew could become your signature recipe!

Have some quality time: Ring up your Mammy and have a catch up with her, check in with your bestie if you haven’t spoken to her for a while and cuddle up with your man and ask him how his day has been. Chatting to the people you love the most will boost your mood, help you to relax and will (most likely) provide you with a few laughs as you listen to their stories. 
