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12th Sep 2016

These 6 new words have been added to the English dictionary

How many of them do you know?

Megan Roantree

How many of them do you know?

The editors of the Oxford English Dictionary are always very careful about which words they add in, because once they’re added into that book they are pretty much set in stone.

They usually wait a few years after a word first emerges before they add it because they need to make sure it is going to stay around. If they included every ridiculous term that appears on the internet they’d have a very full book.

Over 1000 new words will be added to the dictionary, but a lot of them are words that were born on things like Twitter, Tumblr and Vine.

We recently discovered the most hated word in the English language, but these are some of the newest.

Here are 6 of the new words that are to be added to the dictionary according to Time, how many do you already know?

clicktivism (n.): the practice of signaling support for a political or social cause by means of the Internet, through social media, online petitions, etc., rather than by more substantive involvement.

moobs (n.): unusually prominent breasts on a man, typically as a result of excess pectoral fat.

fuhgeddaboudit (int.): in representations of regional speech (associated especially with New York and New Jersey): “forget about it”; used to indicate that a suggested scenario is unlikely or undesirable.

gender-fluid (adj.): designating a person who does not identify with a single fixed gender.

Yoda (n.): a person who embodies the characteristics of Yoda, esp. in being wise; an elder, sage or guru.

And finally.. Do people really still say this one?

YOLO (int.): “You only live once”; used to express the view that one should make the most of the present moment without worrying about the future (often as a rationale for impulsive or reckless behavior).

No mention of ‘Fleek’ just yet, but we bet it will, unfortunately, be in the next edition of the English dictionary!

