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02nd Apr 2015

PIC: Grow Up With A Sister? This Galway Girl’s School Copy Will Bring Back Memories

There's one in every family.


Growing up with a sister is a special kind of bond.

Sure you love each other, and woe betide anyone who tries to come between you, but your sister is also the one person who can drive you crazy.

You know, the “I will kill you if you eat the last biscuit/ hand me the remote or die/ I’m telling mam if you don’t give that back” kind of crazy. 

So when Lisa Headd’s mam found an old primary school copybook belonging to her older sister Sharon, it wasn’t surprising to see the pair had some ups and downs. 

According to Sharon, Lisa was always trying to get out of her half of the chores, but the three year age gap could be solved over a board game.  

Obviously she didn’t mean Monopoly – ‘cause everyone knows that causes family war. 

Sisters, eh?

lisa copy

Thanks to Lisa for sending this our way!