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08th Dec 2017

This lad found an… interesting use for his wife’s menstrual cup


Jade Hayden

Ah, lads.

There are plenty of reasons why we need better sex education.

Teaching people about consent is one.

Ensuring that men know where the clitoris is is another.

Another fairly important reason to give children, adults, and everyone in between appropriate sex ed is to make sure that they know what a menstrual cup looks like and what a menstrual cup does.

And, more importantly, so they know that a menstrual cup isn’t just a regular run-of-the-mill measuring cup that can be used to measure out portions of rice and then left in said bag of rice for next time.

The above may sound a little out there – surely that wouldn’t happen? Surely nobody would be so out of the menstruation loop?

Well, as it turns out, some people are.

Some people being Cindy Hobbs’ husband.

Cindy, like many women, uses menstrual cups. Her husband, however, does not know what they are supposed to be used for and likes to measure rice with them instead.

She took to Facebook page, Breastmilk Jewellery, to share her story.


The post itself has since been deleted from the page however these screenshots very much suggest that Cindy’s menstrual cup did indeed make its way into the bag of rice and remained there until she found it.

We just hope they threw out that bag, like.