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01st Feb 2013

Imagine Losing Your Paycheck… And Then THIS Happening

How the goodwill of one woman could make your week...


This is the short, but very nice, story of how the goodwill of one person could literally make your week…

One woman posted this photo of a letter her friend, Sarah, received in the post online today.

The woman who wrote the letter, Nancy, had found Sarah’s paycheck as herself and her husband stopped in Starbucks for a coffee on their way back from visiting their daughter.

Nancy wrote:

“When I got out of our car I found this check in your name, on the ground! I hope that you receive it in a timely matter as I am sure you worked hard for this paycheck. May God bless you and we pray that you have a blessed week ahead!”

Well, we don’t know if it’s just us, but we’re welling up…

The End.
