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06th Sep 2012

I Can See It In Your Eyes… The Secrets Behind Eye Contact

Blinking, eye contact, dilating pupils... there is a message behind them all!


When it comes to relationships, our eyes say a lot more about ourselves than we think they do… fantastic for some, dangerous for others!

Our blinkers can give away anything from sexual attraction for somebody special to a lie we may be bluffing.  

With these top psychological tips, you’ll be reading people’s minds in no time…

Dilating pupils are one of the biggest emotion giveaways when it comes to studying the eyes.

If it’s a bluffer you want to catch, look out for these tellers… If you have every watched somebody lie or struggle to come up with an answer, they do certain things with their eyes. Somebody telling a lie will generally look in another direction. They will try and avoid the gaze of the person they are lying to in case it gives away too much information.

But watch out for the direction of the gaze, not everybody is coming up with bluffs. If somebody looks to their left, this means they are generally telling the truth and just struggling to put words together. If they are looking to their right, however, a lot of psychologists believe this means they are lying biding time to think of a suitable lie to come up with.

It has also been proven that physical or psychological pleasure can case obvious pupil dilation. When someone finds a person or a thing attractive, the pupils will get bigger. In turn, this dilation is found attractive by others.

These ‘bedroom eyes’ can also occur in dimly-lit areas like restaurants, so just be careful on that dodgy date that you have plenty of light in your eyes and you don’t give him the wrong idea, oh, the awkward moment…

In turn, if totally turned off by a person, the pupils may slightly contract. It’s not just something people look out for, people also subconsciously use these pupil measurements to judge whether they like someone or not.

And while it might just be sexual interest, make sure there isn’t something else tasty on the table first… dilating pupils can also occur on just the sight of an appetising dinner!

There is actually a specific study for pupil sizes as an indicator of emotion, it is known as pupillometrics. The term was coined in 1975.

Eye contact is important for every relationship, both at home and in the workplace. Many people notice quickly and judge on whether a person can maintain eye contact with them or not.

With these tips, you might find out a bit more about the next person you are having a chat with… a good tip is to use eye contact, it is a great relationship-maker, but make sure it’s not too intense either, that could make for some shifty looks, or sometimes even worse, an awkward date proposal…