The number of kids coming home from the playground with bruised elbows and grazed knees has increased because their parents are too busy creeping on Facebook (and generally fiddling with their smartphones)!
Researchers in Britain have recorded an increase in the number of children attending A&E after hurting themselves on the playground and have put the statistic down to tech-obsessed moms and dads.
The study also revealed that children are more inclined to be bold and get up to mischief when they know their parent is too busy to notice, attributing to the increase in accidents.
June O’Sullivan chief executive of the London Early Years Foundation said: “We are all guilty of being distracted by our phones. As a society, we need to start setting parameters about when it is and is not appropriate to use them.
Parents are becoming distracted by their smart phones
“It is a balancing act. But parents need to be aware when their phones are having too much power over their lives and try to put them away when they are spending time with their children.
“Children crave attention and if they are not getting it from their mums and dads, they will sometimes do dangerous things to grab it.”
Sheila Merrill, public health adviser at the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, said: “Supervision is central to ensuring that young children are not exposed to significant risk in the home, on the road or while out playing.
“Distractions come in many forms, of course, but with the apparent rise in smartphone use, it’s important to remind parents and carers that texting, calling and surfing the net at inappropriate times can put their child at unnecessary risk of being hurt in an accident.”
Yikes, we think we’d better have the plasters at the ready!