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21st Apr 2014

Ben Stiller, Brooklyn Nine-Nine And The Benefits Of Dark Chocolate: The Best Of Tonight’s TV

On the small screen this evening...

Rebecca McKnight

From dark chocolate to comedy sketches, there’s plenty to keep you entertained tonight!

Food Unwrapped Easter Special – Channel 4 (8.00pm)
For this Easter special, the team take a look at the benefits of dark chocolate and find out about rare double egg yolks.

food unwrapped 

EastEnders – RTÉ One (8.00pm)
Ian finds out about what has happened to Lucy while Bianca tells Whitney to stand up to Lee and Terry’s ex turns up on the square.

enders ian

Brooklyn Nine-Nine – RTÉ Two (9.00pm)
This week, Peralta is upset when he finds out Santiago is thinking about leaving the precinct to work with his rival. Guest starring Adam Sandler.


Little Fockers – RTÉ One (9.30pm)
In this comedy sequel, Greg (Ben Stiller) is still finding it hard to earn the respect of his wife’s father (Robert De Niro).

little fockers

Republic of Telly – RTÉ Two (9.30pm)
Kevin McGahern, Jennifer Maguire and Bernard O’Shea are back for a special anniversary edition of the sketch show.
