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12th Nov 2016

Mel C addresses being bullied while in Spice Girls

Megan Roantree

So much for Girl Power.

At the time, the Spice Girls were the biggest band on the planet. Their message about Girl Power inspired young women all over the world.

So, while it is well-known that they didn’t all get on, it always breaks our heart to hear about the bullying that went on within the group.

Mel C recently did an interview with Attitude magazine where she spoke about her new album Version of Me, which she says is about the darker side of her early career.

Version of Me is about being bullied,” She said.

“About being in a situation as a young adult where I felt bullied and how that has affected me, and moulded me in a way.”

“Unfortunately, being bullied can really damage people and even when you are stronger and over it, it can still be in the background – undermining you. I hope people will Identify with that track.”

When Mel was asked if the bullying occurred during her time in the Spice Girls she said:

“Yes. I’m not going to name names. But yes.”

“It’s been addressed, they were aware of what they’d done. They apologised.”

Thankfully, Mel says that she is stronger now that she is older.

”I’m a lot more confident and I will not be shat upon. But when I was younger I let people shit on me. What’s done is done but I’d have liked to have been a bit stronger.”

Main image via Instagram.
