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25th May 2018

Everyone’s talking about Prince Harry’s other royal cousins, Sam and Arthur

Jade Hayden

We can see why, yeah.

It’s been a mere five days since Prince Harry and Meghan Markle tied the knot in Windsor Castle surrounded by about 600 or so friends and family.

And while Meghan was absolutely the talk of the town looks wise (because she was serving them), Harry got his fair share of attention too.

And deservedly so. He’s alright looking, like.

And as it turns out, so are his extended family.

Who knew?

We’ve already filled you in on the life and times of Harry’s 24-year-old cousin, Louis Spencer, but there are a couple of other lads who also attended the royal wedding that have been getting people talking since.

And, let’s be honest, it’s because they’re good looking lads.

Fair play.

Sam and Arthur Chatto are the grandsons of Princess Margaret and Antony Armstrong-Jones, 1st Earl of Snowdon, making their mother Lady Sarah Chatto – the only daughter of Margaret and Antony.

That makes them the second cousins of Princes Harry and William.

The youngest brother, Arthur, is 19-years-old and he’s currently studying History Of Art at Edinburgh university.

Older brother, Sam, is 21-years-old and he’s also studying History or Art at Edinburgh university too.

The two lads attended Eton college before this and Arthur is expected to join the armed forces when he’s finished college.

Bit of bad news if you’re out there on the hunt for some royal romance though because 21-year-old Sam has been in a relationship for the past three years.

Arthur, on the other hand, is still single but he’s only 19 so, like, maybe give him a bit of time to find himself, you know?

Judging from his Insta, he’s pretty into them gains too.

Fair play.