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07th Jan 2013

Style Star 2013: Blogger Eleonara Carisi Isn’t Afraid To Experiment With Fashion To Create Her Own Quirky Vision

With the New Year comes new fashion inspiration – we’re giving the latest stylistas on the block a shout out.


It’s no surprise that Italian beauty Eleonora Carisi has made a name for herself in the fashion industry and is regularly chased down by street-style snappers including king of the street-style crew The Startorialist.

The multi-tasking fashionista knows more than just how to take a good picture and court controversary as she designs her own capsule collection called What’s Inside You, runs concept store You in Turin, does regular modelling gigs and collaborates on high profile projects.  Phew, this is one busy lady.

Her signature style of mixed prints, classic designers worn with emerging talents, vintage pieces and bright colours have ensured she stands out amongst the style set during the world’s fashion weeks.

Eleonora matches her dip-dyed hair to the rest of her pretty pink outfit – we heart!

She’s worked in the biz since she was 14-years-old and her succesful blog, Jou Jou Villeroy, along with her individual sense of style has made her part of the fashion elite, up there in the illustrious company of well-known fashion heads Alexa Chung and Byran Boy.  

Eleonora has a fun, irreverent, playful approach to dressing with colour, loud prints and unusual shapes being an integral part of her look. 
